1.You can submit a DSAR if you are an Employee Current and/or Former, Visitor, Customer, Student, Patient, Supplier, Contractor, Business Partner, Website Visitor, Tourist, Transit Tourist, Local, any individual that has engaged or wishes to engage you the entity which uses Personal Data to conduct their business and/or commercial affairs in both the Public, Private, Commercial and Government sectors including Individuals such as Politicians, Teachers, Doctors, Dentists, Financial Advisors, Family, Friends, Sole Operators, Public Figures, the list is extensive but you get the idea, which use Your Personal Data for commercial benefit.
2.By law, the Receiver must respond to you within 1 calendar month.
2.1.Upon responding to you the Receiver can request a further 2 months to address your request, but only if your request is complex or the receiver has received a number of requests from you.
2.2.The Receiver is not allowed to charge a fee for your DSAR. However, there are a few situations where a reasonable fee can be charged for administrative costs if the request is unfounded or excessive or where multiple or excessive requests have been made by you.
2.3.The Receiver can refuse to respond to a DSAR if: a) Your request is manifestly unfounded or b) Your request is manifestly excessive. But they still HAVE to respond to you within 1 calendar month from receiving your DSAR.
3.Take the following steps if the Receiver fails to reply:
3.1.You can chose to send them a reminder or
3.2.You can upscale your complaint to the Supervisory Authority. To do this Click Here.
4.Please don’t abuse this free service, or you will be permanently banned. We don’t place a daily limit on how many DSAR’s you can send, but as long as they are REAL and not designed to spam. Any illegal or unethical use will also result in your details being passed onto the applicable Policing Authorities.
5.If you wish to exercise your DSAR rights with us (DSARlive), then please click the PRIVACY CERTIFIED seal at the bottom of your screen.
6.The same fate suffered by the receiver can very easily happen within your business, organisation, enterprise, government both in the public and private sector. Nobody is immune or above privacy regulations, it’s that simple.
7.Non-Member use of our services permits you to submit your requests, and it is free.
8.Membership to our services permits you to submit, monitor, log, follow-up and access archives of your requests, and it is free.
9: A list of National Supervisory Authorities:
DSARlive is designed to provide general assistance in being able to execute your rights in a structured and orderly manner. It may not consider all relevant local, state or federal laws and is not a legal document. DSARlive will not assume any legal liability that may arise from the use of this site. Your use of and reliance on this site is at your sole risk, even though we take privacy measures very seriously and which you can review via our Compliance Policy.
Therefore, please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that the content you submit is correct and appropriate for your needs and complies with relevant laws in your country.
You should take all reasonable and proper legal and other professional advice accordingly.
DSARlive makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of our site; assumes no duty of care to any person with respect to their contents; and expressly excludes and disclaims liability for any cost, expense, loss or damage suffered or incurred in reliance on our site, or in expectation of site meeting your needs, including (without limitation) as a result of misstatements, errors and omissions in their contents.
Nothing contained herein shall be deemed or construed to create a partnership, joint venture, or other affiliation between DSARlive and any receiving entity (the Receiver), or cause DSARlive to be responsible in any way for the outcomes or obligations of he Receiver(s) or any other party or entity.
©2025 DSARlive